10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop

The East Asian Studies and Research Centre of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the CIDOB Foundation of Barcelona think tank organised the 10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop at the CIDOB Foundation on 25-26 October 2012 in collaboration with the Inter-Asia Research Group of the UAB, the Masters degree in European Union-China. Culture & Economy of the UAB, the Confucius Institute Foundation of Barcelona, the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness and the Residence for Researchers of the Spanish Higher Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas- CSIC).

The Speakers were:
  • Alain-Marc Rieu (University of Lyon 3, France): Japan after Fukushima: toward a new governance arrangement
  • Lau Blaxekjær (University of Copenhagen, Denmark):  Post-Fukushima Governance – Institutional Dissonance and Post-Normal Governance?
  • Kristin Surak (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany): Civil Society and Migrant Labor Recruit Schemes in East Asia: Possibilities and Pitfalls in Lobbying for Reform
  • Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (Copenhagen Business Sxchool, Denmark): Murder, Sex, Corruption: Will China Continue to Hold Together?
  • Andrea Revelant (University of Venice - Ca'Foscari, Italy): Between state and society: political parties in Japan
  • Stéphane Corcuff (Lyon Institute of East Asia, France): Local, national, cross straits, global: Do Taiwanese voters establish a hierarchy of identification references in their voting behaviour?
  • Xavier Ortells-Nicolau (Inter-Asia, UAB, Spain): Major trends in English-speaking scholarship on China’s civil society, 1989-2000s
  • Sean Golden (Inter-Asia, UAB, Spain): “Social construction”, “social management”, and “social system reform” versus “‘civil society’ is a ‘Western pitfall’”: official discourse on civil society and governance going into the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
  • Joaquín Beltrán (Inter-Asia, UAB, Spain):  Culture and the Confucius Institute: Soft power to meet global governance and external challenges
  • Laura De Giorgi (University of Venice - Ca'Foscari, Italy): History education and civil society in contemporary China
  • Thomas Boutonnet (University of Lyon 3, France): Consumerism as a Risk for Social Stability? Governance and Risk Management in the "Eight Honours and Eight Disgraces" Campaign
  • Carmen Amado Mendes (University of Coimbra, Portugal): The role of Macau’s governance and civil society in promoting lusophony: the manipulation of a concept for managing risk in China’s relations with the lusophone world

El Libro del Tao

En su colección Great Ideas, la editorial Taurus (del grupo Santillana) ha publicado una nueva versión en castellano del clásico chino 道德經 Daodejing de 老子 Laozi, editada y traducida por Seán Golden, miembro del grup de investigación Inter-Asia.

Lao Tse
El Libro del Tao
Traducción de Seán Golden
Madrid: Editorial Taurus
Colección: Great Ideas
ISBN: 9788430609307
Precio: 6,99 €
Disponible en eBook

Estereotipos y racismo en la cobertura del operativo policial

 Los medios de comunicación constituyen uno de los objetos de análisis principales de este grupo de investigación, dado que son instrumento a la vez que reflejo del impacto y la recepción de Asia oriental en España (ver por ejemplo esta y esta entrada). 

Además, los medios ofrecen un barómetro excelente de las diferencias entre el trabajo académico y el periodístico, entre la universidad y la calle. Aunque sea sabido, una vez más los sucesos recientes nos reafirman en la necesidad de continuar el trabajo de investigación, pero además y acaso más importante, el de difusión de dicha investigación.

En este caso, destacamos el tratamiento que la comunidad china en España ha recibido en la cobertura mediática del operativo policial que se inició ayer día 16 de octubre contra crímenes económicos (blanqueo y desvío de capitales) así como de extorsión, prostitución y distintos delitos laborales.

6th ASEM Education Hub Advisory Committee meeting

 The Asia Europe Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), organised the 3rd ASEM Rectors' Conference, the 1st Asia-Europe Students' Forum and the 6th ASEM Education Hub Advisory Committee meeting from 24-28 September 2012, in Groningen. As a member of the advisory committee, Sean Golden, a member of the Inter-Asia research group, attended the meeting as a long-standing member of the advsory committee and participated in discussions on short, medium and long-term strategies for advising the ministers of education of the ASEM countries on higher education policy and the possible convergence of Asian and European higher education policies.

The Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) process organises periodical meetings and summit conferences for Heads of Government, Ministers and Senior Officials from the following countries: Australia, Austria, ASEAN Secretariat, Belgium, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech, Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Vietnam, which will now be joined by BangladeshNorway and Switzerland.

The Rectors' meeting was also attended by Prof. Lluis Quintana, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Sean Golden: “Lo que realmente ha hecho daño al Partido Comunista es el caso Bo Xilai”

El sitio blog Zaichina ha publicado una entrevista con Seán Golden, miembro del grupo de investigación Inter-Asia, sobre las perspectivas del próximo XVIII Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista de la China.

Mozi. Contra el arte de la guerra

La Editorial Proteus acaba de publicar una traducción de extractos del 墨子 Libro de Mozi al español bajo el título de Mozi. Contra el arte de la guerra, con un «Prólogo» de Seán Golden, miembro del grupo de investigación Inter-Asia.