Gray Pastoral: Critical Engagements with Idyllic Nature in Contemporary Photography from China

La revista TransAsia Photography Review ( Volume 5, Issue 2, Spring 2015) ha publicat un artícle del membre d'InterAsia Xavier Ortells-Nicolau titulat "Gray Pastoral: Critical Engagements with Idyllic Nature in Contemporary Photography from China".


«It is beyond the scope of this paper to consider the arguments and reasons for contemporary views on “nature,” but they offer the context for an examination of vernacular notions of idyllic nature in the work of some of the most prominent contemporary photographers from China. What follows, then, is a discussion in which the photographers Wang Qingsong, Yang Yongliang, and Zhang Kechun, going beyond what Roetz terms the “cliché of ‘harmony’ between man and nature in China” (2010, 200), offer layered visualizations of landscapes and natural settings in dialogue with intellectual and aesthetic notions of the pastoral retreat. In so doing, these photographic works activate entry points for current discussions about contemporary visual culture from the standpoint of eco-aesthetics and ecocriticism.»

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